Reservation form

Total price:  CZK

Prices of Smile Parking

Prices according to the length of stay

Prices for a particular date may vary depending on the actual occupancy of the car park!
Valid is always the price shown during booking process.

Day Price
1 day from 750 CZK
2 days from 1 100 CZK
3 days from 1 210 CZK
4 days from 1 300 CZK
5 days from 1 380 CZK
6 days from 1 450 CZK
7 days from 1 650 CZK
8 days from 1 850 CZK
9 days from 1 970 CZK
10 days from 2 050 CZK
11 days from 2 220 CZK
12 days from 2 380 CZK
13 days from 2 470 CZK
14 days from 2 550 CZK
15 days from 2 640 CZK
16 days from 2 790 CZK
17 days from  2 890 CZK
18 days from  2 990 CZK
19 days from  3 090 CZK
20 days from  3 190 CZK
21 days from  3 290 CZK
22 days from  3 390 CZK
23 days from  3 490 CZK
24 days from  3 590 CZK
25 days from  3 690 CZK
26 days from  3 790 CZK
27 days from  3 890 CZK
28 days from  3 990 CZK
29 days from  4 090 CZK
30 days from  4 190 CZK
31 days from  4 290 CZK
every other day from  100 CZK
Show prices for more days

1 day equals 24 hours.
When exceeding the parking time, an additional charge of CZK 800 will be applied for every extra day.

Pricelist of additional services

  Parking type
Service Outside Garage
Interior cleaning of car 690 CZK 690 CZK
Exterior carwash 490 CZK 490 CZK
Valet parking 0 Kč
0 Kč

How to find us?

Drive directly to the airport in the comfort and safety of your own vehicle. You can enter the following address in your navigation: Aviatická 1092/8, Prague 6 – Ruzyně, 161 00. When arriving at the airport, stay in the left line Terminal 2 – arrivals“ and enter the parking lot EUROPORT (T1+T2). After passing the barrier, please open the ONLINE CHECK-IN page and you will receive instructions on where to park.

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